Blog #33

On My Knee

It is only for a moment

I can keep you on my knee.

You didn’t want to be here

in the first place.

You would much rather run around

as fast as your bowlegs can carry you.

You would much rather run

with flailing steps and flying arms

over to the bright, shiny thing

to see if it has buttons

although it didn’t

the last time you went to it.

You would much rather run into

the other room

where I can’t see you

and high adventure awaits.

But I caught you.

And placed you on my knee.

For only a moment

you agreed to this unexpected yoke.

Then you thought

if you just squirmed and wriggled

and made enough faces

you would be free again.




I caught you fair and square

with one lightning quick scoop

and placed you on my knee.

So now,

even when you squeal

and you kick your legs,

I will keep you.

This twinkling in time is precious to me.

I know that eventually,

you will turn your head

and look me in the eye.

This may be only for a brief moment,

but it will happen.

And when it does,

the only thing you will see from me

is pure love.

Of course,

you won’t see it that way.

You will see it as a moment

between a captive and a capturer.

You will see it as the perfect time

to stiffen your back

and try to slide down

and slither through my hands.


But I am wise to your tricks.

I am wise to your ways.

You will not slip my grasp

to get to that staircase,

which you find so fascinating.

Not this time.

You see,

I have tricks of my own.

I know if I bob you up and down

and bounce you from side to side,

I can keep you a few moments longer,

while my heart swells.

I might even get a smile from you.

But I won’t get my hopes up for that.

Perhaps a tickle will work.


I know just where and how to do it.

And your arms are perfect

little holding tools.

I know if all else fails,

I will just encircle you tight

to my body

and make sounds at you.

You will not understand them

and they are not words.


Just sounds of love,

from this small part of life.

I know

I will have to let you go.

But not just now.             

For now, you are on my knee.